Why Sign Up?

  • To save time filling forms
  • To book & manage appointments
  • To get-compare-book surgery package
  • To create a PinkPad - iHealth records

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Carelist - To Get Surgery Package

Add Hospitals to Carelist. Post your Request. Get Surgery Packages. Compare & Book one

Get Started

How YugYugJiyo-Carelist Works

(Don't use this in case of any medical emergency)

  • 1

    Add to Carelist

    Find and explore the right hospitals, take a virtual tour, view doctors' list, facilities, bed tariffs, other patients' reviews and add upto 5 hospitals to your Carelist.

  • 2

    Post your Request

    Choose your required speciality-procedure & preferred room type and post a package request with patient details, present medical reports & prescription.

  • 3

    Get Surgery Packages

    After reviewing your medical details, your Carelisted hospitals will provide a fixed/estimated surgery package* (if possible) within 2 working days through YugYugJiyo account.

  • 4

    Compare & Book One

    Compare those hospitals' packages, Choose one that best suits you and book an appointment under a doctor for hospitalization purpose.

  • 5

    Hassle-free Treatment

    Visit hospital, flash the booking confirmation message to our HealthHero, attend a pre-operative consultation and get hassle-free hospitalization process with help of our HealthHero^.

  • 6


    Pay the bill at hospital through cash/debit card/credit card/online/EMI and avail a discount (if any). If you have any insurance, claim it with help of our HealthHero.

* A Surgery Package will mention the doctor name and total fixed/estimated package cost including doctor fees, bed charge, OT charge, no. of hospital stay days, investigations, medicines, consumables, disposables, implantation or not and your health insurance / cashless mediclaim is available or not.

^ HealthHero is our representative who generally runs our help desk at each hospital to do all paperworks on behalf of patient's kin, keep ready the hospital file and manage all hassles during admission-treatment-discharge process.

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