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  • To save time filling forms
  • To book & manage appointments
  • To get-compare-book surgery package
  • To create a PinkPad - iHealth records

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Upload & Receive Health Records. Store & Monitor Health Vitals Securely

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PinkPad - Online Health Records

When you sign up at YugYugJiyo.com, a PinkPad is automatically created for yourself. You then may create more PinkPads for your family.

  • Upload & Receive

    Upload your present prescriptions and lab reports to get access from anywhere, anytime. Receive online medical reports and bills of hospital.

  • Store & Monitor

    Store your health vitals like health history, medications, BMI, BP & pulse, blood glucose, allergies, immunizations etc. and keep track of those records to monitor how healthier you are.

  • Safe & Secure

    PinkPad stores all your data in a secure environment and gives you complete control over who accesses your information. Only you can share your PinkPad data with others safely.


To get daily health tips, health articles, health news, health events and check-up camps schedule, our HealDeals, coupon codes, hospital offers via email and SMS, subscribe to our PinkPin.

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