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Peerless Hospital

Panchasayar, Kolkata

4.8 /5
  • 6Ratings

Health Check-Up Packages of Peerless Hospital

    • Advanced Cardiac Health Check
    • View Details
    • 5599
    • Complete Haemogram
    • Blood Sugar (F & PP)
    • Serum Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Blood Uric acid
    • Serum Electrolytes
    • Lipid Profile
    • Chest X-Ray (PA)
    • ECG
    • Echo screening Only
    • TMT
    • Cardiologist Consultation
    • Breakfast
    • Basic Cardiac Health Check
    • View Details
    • 4999
    • Complete Haemogram
    • Blood Sugar (F & PP)
    • Serum Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Blood Uric acid
    • Serum Electrolytes
    • Lipid Profile
    • Chest X-Ray (PA)
    • ECG
    • Echo screening Only
    • General OPD Consultation
    • Breakfast
    • Executive Health Check-up
    • View Details
    • 6499
    • Complete Haemogram
    • Blood Sugar (F & PP)
    • Serum Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Blood Uric acid
    • Chest X-Ray (PA)
    • ECG
    • LFT
    • Lipid Profile
    • Sodium(Na)
    • Potassium(K)
    • Urine RE
    • Stool RE with Occult Blood
    • Free Consultation
    • Breakfast
    • Executive Health Check-up (With HbA1c)
    • View Details
    • 7099
    • Complete Haemogram
    • Blood Sugar (F & PP)
    • HbA1c
    • Serum Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Blood Uric acid
    • Chest X-Ray (PA)
    • ECG
    • Liver Function Test
    • Lipid Profile
    • Sodium(Na)
    • Potassium(K)
    • Urine RE
    • Stool RE with Occult Blood
    • Free Consultation
    • Breakfast
    • Senior Citizen Health Check-up
    • View Details
    • 4099
    • Complete Blood count
    • FBS
    • PPBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric Acid
    • Lipid Profile
    • LFT
    • Serum Electrolytes
    • Chest X-ray
    • Urine & Stool RE
    • ECG
    • Echo Screening
    • Consultation
    • Whole Body Health Check-up
    • View Details
    • 17999
    • Complete Blood count
    • FBS
    • PPBS
    • Urea
    • Creatinine
    • Uric Acid
    • HBA1C
    • Lipid Profile
    • LFT
    • Serum Electrolytes
    • Blood Grouping & Typing
    • PSA/Cervical Smear
    • Mammography (Age > 40 yrs)
    • High Sensitive Troponin I
    • Spirometry
    • Chest X-ray
    • Urine & Stool RE
    • ECG
    • Echocardiography with Colour Doppler
    • USG Whole Abdomen Screening
    • TSH
    • TMT
    • Consultation Medicine
    • Consultation Cardiology
    • Consultation Gynaecology
    • Consultation ENT Head and Neck Surgery
    • Consultation Dental
    • (with HRCT Thorax)

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Peerless Hospital

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