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Medica Superspecialty Hospital

Mukundapur, Kolkata

4.8 /5

Investigations of Medica Superspecialty Hospital

  • Cardiology
    • ECG
    • ECG

      Electrocardiography (ECG or EKG) is a test which measures the electrical activity of the heart to show whether or not it is working normally over a period of time using electrodes placed on the skin. An ECG records the heart's rhythm and activity on a moving strip of paper or a line on a screen.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Echocardiography
    • Echocardiography

      Echocardiography, also known as echo, is an ultrasound test that can evaluate the structure of the heart, as well as the direction of blood flow within it, especially after a heart attack. It can also reveal heart defects in unborn babies.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Echocardiography - Colour Doppler
    • Echocardiography - Colour Doppler

      Echocardiography - Colour Doppler is an ultrasound test that uses high-frequency sound waves to measure the heart structure and movement of the heart's valves and chambers as well as the blood flow through the heart.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Echocardiography Screening
    • Echocardiography Screening

      Echocardiography, also known as echo, is an ultrasound test that can evaluate the structure of the heart, as well as the direction of blood flow within it, especially after a heart attack. It can also reveal heart defects in unborn babies.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Echocardiography with Doppler Screening
    • Echocardiography with Doppler Screening

      Echocardiography - Colour Doppler is an ultrasound test that uses high-frequency sound waves to measure the heart structure and movement of the heart's valves and chambers as well as the blood flow through the heart.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Fetal Echo Test
    • Fetal Echo Test

      Fetal Echocardiography or Fetal Echo is an ultrasound test done during pregnancy to evaluate the heart of the unborn baby. This type of scan looks for fetus' heart defects.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Holter Monitoring 24 Hours
    • Holter Monitoring 24 Hours

      Holter Monitoring is usually performed to check your heart rhythm (ECG) continuously for 24 to 72 hours using a wired battery-operated portable device. This test is used when the ECG doesn't give your doctor enough information about your heart's condition.


      Male patients need to save chest hair upto the navel.

    • NA
    • Holter Monitoring 48 Hours
    • Holter Monitoring 48 Hours

      Holter Monitoring is usually performed to check your heart rhythm (ECG) continuously for 24 to 72 hours using a wired battery-operated portable device. This test is used when the ECG doesn't give your doctor enough information about your heart's condition.


      Male patients need to save chest hair upto the navel.

    • NA
    • Holter Monitoring 72 Hours
    • Holter Monitoring 72 Hours

      Holter Monitoring is usually performed to check your heart rhythm (ECG) continuously for 24 to 72 hours using a wired battery-operated portable device. This test is used when the ECG doesn't give your doctor enough information about your heart's condition.


      Male patients need to save chest hair upto the navel.

    • NA
    • PFT / Spirometry
    • PFT / Spirometry

      Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) or Spirometry is a complete evaluation of the respiratory system that measure how well the lungs take in and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood.


      Use of broncho dilator/inhaler/smoking/cough syrup must be stopped 6 hours before the test.

    • NA
    • PFT With Broncho Dilator
    • PFT With Broncho Dilator

      Pulmonary Function Test (PFT) or Spirometry is a complete evaluation of the respiratory system that measure how well the lungs take in and exhale air and how efficiently they transfer oxygen into the blood.


      Use of broncho dilator/inhaler/smoking/cough syrup must be stopped 6 hours before the test.

    • NA
    • Stress Echo Test
    • Stress Echo Test

      Stress Echocardiography or Stress Echo is a test done to assess how well the heart works under stress. During this test, you'll exercise on a treadmill or stationary bike while your doctor monitors your blood pressure and heart rhythm.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Tilt Table Test
    • Tilt Table Test

      Tilt Table Test is performed to diagnose syncope and if you often feel faint or lightheaded. During the test, you lie on a table that is slowly tilted upward to measure how your blood pressure and heart rate respond to the force of gravity.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • TMT
    • TMT

      Tredmill Test (TMT) is exercise ECG and observation of patient's heart during a graded stress. This test is done with heart stimulation by exercise on a treadmill.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
  • Gastroenterology
    • Colonoscopy
    • Colonoscopy

      Colonoscopy is an endoscopic procedure to evaluate the inside of the colon (large intestine or large bowel) with a CCD camera on a flexible tube, called colonoscope, passed through the anus. You're often given medicine to make you sleep through a colonoscopy, so you don't feel anything.


      Patients should have early liquid dinner on the previous night or have food atleast 6 hours before the test.

    • NA
    • Enteroscopy
    • Enteroscopy

      Enteroscopy is an medical procedure to examine the small intestine (small bowel) with a CCD camera on a flexible tube, called endoscope. This test is performed to detect the problems in the digestive system.


      Patients should have light dinner on the previous night and then overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • ERCP
    • ERCP

      Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a medical procedure that combines upper GI endoscopy and fluoroscopy (X-rays) to treat problems of the biliary or pancreatic ductal systems. ERCP is performed under intravenous sedation, usually without general anesthesia. ERCP is an uncomfortable but not painful procedure.


      Patients should have early light dinner on the previous night and then overnight fasting is required, or have food atleast 6-8 hours before the test.

    • NA
    • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
    • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy

      Sigmoidoscopy is an endoscopic procedure to evaluate the inside of the rectum and lower (sigmoid) colon with a CCD camera on a flexible tube, called sigmoidoscope, passed through the anus. You're given medicine to make you sleep through a colonoscopy, so you don't feel anything.


      Patients should have light dinner on the previous night.

    • NA
    • Proctoscopy
    • Proctoscopy

      Proctoscopy is a medical procedure that is performed to check the anal cavity, rectum, or sigmoid colon with a special metal or plastic scope, called a proctoscope.


      Patients should have early liquid dinner on the previous night.

    • NA
    • Proctosigmoidoscopy
    • Proctosigmoidoscopy

      Proctosigmoidoscopy is a medical procedure that is performed to check the lower colon using a sigmoidoscope, inserted into the rectum.


      Patients should have early liquid dinner on the previous night.

    • NA
    • Upper GI Endoscopy
    • Upper GI Endoscopy

      Upper GI Endoscopy is an endoscopic procedure to evaluate the inside lining of your esophagus, stomach, and the first part of your small intestine (called the duodenum) with a CCD camera on a flexible tube, called endoscope.


      Patients should have light dinner on the previous night and then overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
  • Neurology
    • BAER / BERA Test
    • BAER / BERA Test

      Brainstem Auditory Evoked Response (BAER) test is an electro-diagnostic test to detect the electrical activity in the cochlea and auditory pathways in the brain.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Digital EEG and Brain Map
    • Digital EEG and Brain Map

      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a noninvasive test that records electrical activity of the brain. The test is used to help diagnose conditions such as seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches, brain tumors and sleeping problems.


      No Special Preparation Required. However, patient should wash her/his head with shampoo for oil free hair before visit the lab.

    • NA
    • EEG Sleep
    • EEG Sleep

      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a noninvasive test that records electrical activity of the brain. The test is used to help diagnose conditions such as seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches, brain tumors and sleeping problems.


      No Special Preparation Required. However, patient should wash her/his head with shampoo for oil free hair before visit the lab.

    • NA
    • EEG Wake and Sleep
    • EEG Wake and Sleep

      Electroencephalography (EEG) is a noninvasive test that records electrical activity of the brain. The test is used to help diagnose conditions such as seizures, epilepsy, head injuries, dizziness, headaches, brain tumors and sleeping problems.


      No Special Preparation Required. However, patient should wash her/his head with shampoo for oil free hair before visit the lab.

    • NA
    • EMG
    • EMG

      Electromyography (EMG) measures muscle response or electrical activity in response to a nerve's stimulation of the muscle. The test is used to help detect neuromuscular abnormalities. During the test, one or more small needles (also called electrodes) are inserted through the skin into the muscle.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • NCV All Limbs
    • NCV All Limbs

      Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test - also called a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) measures how well and how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • NCV Facial Nerve
    • NCV Facial Nerve

      Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test - also called a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) measures how well and how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • NCV Hand Brachial Plexus
    • NCV Hand Brachial Plexus

      Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test - also called a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) measures how well and how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • NCV Test
    • NCV Test

      Nerve Conduction Velocity (NCV) test - also called a Nerve Conduction Study (NCS) measures how well and how fast an electrical impulse moves through your nerve. NCV can identify nerve damage.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Polysomnography
    • Polysomnography

      Polysomnography is a sleep study test that performs while you're fully asleep and records your brain waves, the oxygen level in your blood, heart rate and breathing. This test is performed to diagnose sleep disorders.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Rett Syndrome Detection
    • Rett Syndrome Detection

      Rett Syndrome Detection test is performed to detect genetic mutation that affects brain development in girls after 6 months of age.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP)
    • Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP)

      Somatosensory Evoked Potential (SSEP) ia an electro-diagnostic test to measure the electrical activity of the brain that results from the stimulation of touch. A stimulating electrode is placed on your arm or leg and it generates an electrical signal. The Recording electrodes are placed on your head and/or spine.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) Detection
    • Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) Detection

      Spinocerebellar Ataxia (SCA) Detection test is performed to detect genetic disorder in cerebellum and diagnose movement (eye, hand, speech) disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
  • Pathology
    • 17 - Hydroxycorticosteroids
    • 17 - Hydroxycorticosteroids

      17 - Hydroxycorticosteroids test is a urine test that performs to evaluate level of 17 - Hydroxycorticosteroids in 24 hour urine. This test is performed to detect Cushing Syndrome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) Test
    • 17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) Test

      17-Hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of 17-OHP in blood. This test is performed to screen for congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibody
    • Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibody

      Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibody test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Acetyl Choline Receptor Autoantibody in blood. This test is performed to confirm or detect Myasthenia Gravis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Acid Phosphatase - Prostatic
    • Acid Phosphatase - Prostatic

      Prostatic Acid Phosphatase test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase in blood. This test is performed to detect Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostatic Carcinoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Acid Phosphatase - Total
    • Acid Phosphatase - Total

      Total Acid Phosphatase test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Total Acid Phosphatase in blood. This test is performed to detect Bone Cancer and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test
    • AEC (Absolute Eosinophil Count) Test

      Absolute Eosinophil Count (AEC) ia a blood test to evaluate absolute white blood cells called eosinophils in the blood. This test is performed to detect allergic diseases, asthma and infections.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • AFB Sputum Test
    • AFB Sputum Test

      AFB Sputum Test is a sputum test that performs to evaluate level of Acid-Fast Bacillus (AFB) in sputum. This test is performed to detect Tuberculosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test
    • AFP (Alpha Feto Protein) Test

      Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) is a blood test to evaluate amount of Alpha Fetoprotein in blood. Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP) is used as a tumor marker. This test is performed to diagnose cancers of the liver, testicles and ovaries.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Albert's Stain - KLB
    • Albert's Stain - KLB

      Albert's staining is a special type of staining that performs to demonstrate a special structure in bacteria. This test is performed to detect Corynebacterium Diphtheriae or Klebs Loeffler bacillus (KLB).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Albumin Test
    • Albumin Test

      Albumin test is a blood test to evaluate the amount of the protein albumin in your blood.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)
    • Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP)

      Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of ALP in blood. This test is performed to confirm Gall Bladder Stones, Liver Disorder, Osteomalacia and Rickets.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Allergy Aspergillus Fumigatus
    • Allergy Aspergillus Fumigatus

      Aspergillus Fumigatus Alergy test is performed to diagnose allergic diseases, respiratory illnesses and bloodstream infections.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Allergy Food Panel
    • Allergy Food Panel

      Allergy Food Panel performs the abnormal responses to a food component triggered by the immune system in the form of immunoglobulins.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Allergy Screening Test (Phadiatop)
    • Allergy Screening Test (Phadiatop)

      Phadiatop is a allergy screening test to evaluate inhalant allergy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Allergy Skin Test
    • Allergy Skin Test

      Allergy Skin Test or Skin Prick Test is performed to find out if you have allergies.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Amylase Test
    • Amylase Test

      Amylase test ia a blood test to evaluate the amount of amylase in blood. It is performed to detect pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • ANA/ANF Profile (15 Antigens)
    • ANA/ANF Profile (15 Antigens)

      Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF) test is performed to evaluate autoimmune disorders and and to help diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) Test
    • ANC (Absolute Neutrophil Count) Test

      Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) ia a blood test to evaluate absolute number of neutrophils present in the blood. Neutrophils are a type of white blood cell that fights against infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) - IFA
    • Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) - IFA

      Anti Smooth Muscle Antibody (ASMA) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Smooth Muscle Antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Autoimmune Hepatitis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Anti Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Anti-Tg)
    • Anti Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Anti-Tg)

      Anti Thyroglobulin Antibodies (Anti-Tg) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Anti Thyroglobulin Antibodies in blood. This test is performed to detect Autoimmune Thyroid Disorder.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antobody Test
    • Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antobody Test

      Anti TPO (Thyroid Peroxidase) Antobody Test is performed to determine TPO antibody level for detecting autoimmune thyroid disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF HEP2) By IFA
    • Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF HEP2) By IFA

      Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF) test is performed to evaluate autoimmune disorders and and to help diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF) By EIA
    • Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF) By EIA

      Antinuclear Antibody/Factor (ANA/ANF) test is performed to evaluate autoimmune disorders and and to help diagnose systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Apolipoproteins A1 & B
    • Apolipoproteins A1 & B

      Apolipoproteins A1 & B test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Apolipoproteins A1 & B in blood. This test is performed to to detect Cardiovascular Disease


      10 to 12 hours fasting is required.

    • NA
    • APTT Test
    • APTT Test

      Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) test is performed as a screening test to evaluate blood coagulation, also known as clotting.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)
    • B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP)

      B-type Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of B-type Natriuretic Peptide in blood. This test is performed to confirm the severity of heart failure.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bacterial Meningitis Screen Test
    • Bacterial Meningitis Screen Test

      Bacterial Meningitis Screen Test is a Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) test that performs to evaluate the level of bacterial infection in CSF. This test is performed to confirm Meningitis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgA
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgA

      Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgA test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgA in blood. This test is performed to confirm Antiphospholipid Syndrome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgG
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgG

      Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgG test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgG in blood. This test is performed to confirm Antiphospholipid Syndrome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgM
    • Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgM

      Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgM test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Beta 2 Glycoprotein Antibodies -IgM in blood. This test is performed to confirm Antiphospholipid Syndrome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Beta 2 Microglobulin (B2M) Test
    • Beta 2 Microglobulin (B2M) Test

      Beta 2 Microglobulin (B2M) blood test is performed to measure level of Beta 2 Microglobulin in blood. This test is performed to confirm Renal Disorder and Tumor.


      No Special Preparation Required. Fasting preferred.

    • NA
    • Beta HCG Test
    • Beta HCG Test

      Beta HCG test is a blood test that evaluates the level of HCG hormone present in your blood. HCG is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy. This test is performed if you suspect pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bilirubin Direct
    • Bilirubin Direct

      Bilirubin test is a blood test that evaluate the amount of bilirubin in your blood. This test is performed to find the cause of health diseases like jaundice, anemia, and liver disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bilirubin Indirect
    • Bilirubin Indirect

      Bilirubin test is a blood test that evaluate the amount of bilirubin in your blood. This test is performed to find the cause of health diseases like jaundice, anemia, and liver disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bilirubin Total
    • Bilirubin Total

      Bilirubin test is a blood test that evaluate the amount of bilirubin in your blood. This test is performed to find the cause of health diseases like jaundice, anemia, and liver disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect
    • Bilirubin Total, Direct & Indirect

      Bilirubin test is a blood test that evaluate the amount of bilirubin in your blood. This test is performed to find the cause of health diseases like jaundice, anemia, and liver disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Blood Culture Test
    • Blood Culture Test

      Blood Culture test is performed to detect the presence of bacteria or fungi in the blood and to identify a blood infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Blood Glucose (Fasting)
    • Blood Glucose (Fasting)

      Blood Glucose test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of glucose in the blood. It is performed to confirm Diabetes Mellitus and also during treatment and after treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.


      Minimum 8 hours Fasting is mandatory.

    • NA
    • Blood Glucose (PP)
    • Blood Glucose (PP)

      Blood Glucose test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of glucose in the blood. It is performed to confirm Diabetes Mellitus and also during treatment and after treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.


      Collect sample exactly 2 hours after starting meal.

    • NA
    • Blood Glucose (Random)
    • Blood Glucose (Random)

      Blood Glucose test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of glucose in the blood. It is performed to confirm Diabetes Mellitus and also during treatment and after treatment of Diabetes Mellitus.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Blood Group ABO & Rh Factor
    • Blood Group ABO & Rh Factor

      Blood Group test is performed to evaluate a person's blood types: A, B, AB, or O. Rhesus (Rh) factor is an inherited protein found on the surface of red blood cells. If your blood has the protein, you're Rh positive. If your blood lacks the protein, you're Rh negative. Rh positive is the most common blood type. This test is essential if you need a blood transfusion or are planning to donate blood.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen ( BUN )
    • Blood Urea Nitrogen ( BUN )

      Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) test is a blood test to evaluate the level of Urea Nitrogen in blood. This test is performed to detect Chronic Kidney Disease and Kidney Disorder


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Bone Marrow Smear Examination
    • Bone Marrow Smear Examination

      Bone Marrow Smear Examination is performed to evaluate the Bone Marrow Smear in a sample of Bone Marrow to confirm Anemia, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Metastases, Multiple Myeloma, Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Tuberculosis


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • BRCA1 & 2 Mutation Screen Test
    • BRCA1 & 2 Mutation Screen Test

      BRCA1 & 2 (BReast CAncer genes 1 and 2) Mutation Screen test is performed to detect BRCA 1 & 2 gene mutation in blood and confirm Breast Cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • C - Peptide Fasting
    • C - Peptide Fasting

      C - Peptide Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of C - Peptide in fasting blood. This test is performed to detect Chronic Kindey Disease and Insulinoma.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • C-Peptide Post Prandial
    • C-Peptide Post Prandial

      C - Peptide Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of C - Peptide in post prandial blood. This test is performed to detect Chronic Kindey Disease and Insulinoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CA 125 Ovarian Cancer Marker
    • CA 125 Ovarian Cancer Marker

      CA 125 test, also known as Ovarian Cancer Antigen 125 or Tumor Marker CA 125, is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of Cancer Antigen 125 in blood. It is performed to detect Ovarian Cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CA 15.3 Breast Cancer Marker
    • CA 15.3 Breast Cancer Marker

      CA 15.3 test, also known as Breast Cancer Antigen 15.3 or Tumor Marker CA 15.3, is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of Cancer Antigen 15.3 in blood. It is performed to detect Breast Cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CA 19.9 - Pancreatic Cancer Marker
    • CA 19.9 - Pancreatic Cancer Marker

      CA 19.9 test, also known as Pancreatic Cancer Antigen 72.4 is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of Cancer Antigen 19.9 in blood. It is performed to detect Pancreatic Cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CA 72.4 - Gastric Cancer Marker
    • CA 72.4 - Gastric Cancer Marker

      CA 72.4 test, also known as Gastrointestinal Cancer Antigen 72.4 is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of Cancer Antigen 72.4 in blood. It is performed to detect Gastric Cancer and Lung Cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Calcium - Ionized
    • Calcium - Ionized

      Calcium Test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of calcium lavels in the blood. It is performed to confirm Bone Disease, Heart Disorder, Kidney Disorder and Kidney Stones.


      Overnight fasting is mandatory.

    • NA
    • Calcium - Serum
    • Calcium - Serum

      Calcium Test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of calcium lavels in the blood. It is performed to confirm Bone Disease, Heart Disorder, Kidney Disorder and Kidney Stones.


      Overnight fasting is mandatory.

    • NA
    • Calcium - Total & Ionized
    • Calcium - Total & Ionized

      Calcium Test is a blood test that performed to evaluate the amount of calcium lavels in the blood. It is performed to confirm Bone Disease, Heart Disorder, Kidney Disorder and Kidney Stones.


      Overnight fasting is mandatory.

    • NA
    • Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Test
    • Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Test

      Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Carcinoembryonic Antigen in blood. This test is performed to detect Colorectal Malignancy.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • CBC With ESR
    • CBC With ESR

      CBC with ESR blood test is performed to evaluate the level of WBC count, neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, eosinophils, RBC count, HCT, Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, mean Platelet volume, platelet count and ESR in the blood.It is performed to check for diseases causing chronic inflammation in your body.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CD4 Test
    • CD4 Test

      CD4 blood test is performed to evaluate the level of CD4 in the blood. This test is used to evaluate the immune system of a person diagnosed with a HIV infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Chikungunya Antibody - IgG/IgM
    • Chikungunya Antibody - IgG/IgM

      Chikungunya Antibody - IgG/IgM test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Chikungunya Antibody - IgG and IgM in blood. This test is performed to detect Chikungunya.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Chikungunya PCR
    • Chikungunya PCR

      Chikungunya PCR test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Chikungunya PCR (DNA analysis) in blood. This test is performed to detect Chikungunya.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cholesterol HDL
    • Cholesterol HDL

      Cholesterol HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HDL in blood. It is performed to confirm cardiovascular disease and disordered, lipid metabolism. HDL cholesterol is often referred to as the 'good cholesterol'.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cholesterol LDL
    • Cholesterol LDL

      Cholesterol LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of LDL in blood. It is performed to confirm cardiovascular disease and disordered, lipid metabolism. LDL cholesterol is often referred to as the 'bad cholesterol'.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cholesterol Total
    • Cholesterol Total

      Cholesterol Total or Serum Cholesterol test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Total Cholesterol in blood. It is performed to confirm cardiovascular disease and disordered, lipid metabolism.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cholesterol VLDL
    • Cholesterol VLDL

      Cholesterol VLDL (Very Low-Density Lipoprotein) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of VLDL in blood. It is performed to confirm cardiovascular disease and disordered, lipid metabolism.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Chromosome Analysis (Karyotype)
    • Chromosome Analysis (Karyotype)

      Chromosome Analysis is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Chromosome in blood. This test is performed to confirm Chromosomal Abnormality, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Down's Syndrome, Genetic Disorder and Malignancy


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Chromosome Analysis - Hematologic Malignancy
    • Chromosome Analysis - Hematologic Malignancy

      Chromosome Analysis is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Chromosome in blood. This test is performed to confirm Chromosomal Abnormality, Chronic Myeloid Leukemia, Down's Syndrome, Genetic Disorder and Malignancy


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Hemogram
    • Complete Blood Count (CBC) / Hemogram

      Complete Blood Count (CBC) is a blood test that evaluates the concentration of white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets in the blood and helps to diagnose the diseases such as anemia, malignancies and immune disorders.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Coombs Test (Direct)
    • Coombs Test (Direct)

      Direct Coombs test is a blood test that performs to test for autoimmune hemolytic anemia (low count of red blood cells).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Coombs Test (Indirect)
    • Coombs Test (Indirect)

      Indirect Coombs test is a blood test that performs in prenatal testing of pregnant women and in testing blood prior to a blood transfusion.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (BB)
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (BB)

      Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK-BB) test is a blood test that performs to evaluates the level of Creatine Kinase-BB. It is performed to confirm myocardial infarction, myocardial injury and skeletal muscle injury.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (MB)
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (MB)

      Creatine Phosphokinase Muscle/Brain (CPK-MB) test is a blood test that performs to evaluates the level of Creatine Kinase-MB. It is performed to confirm myocardial infarction, myocardial injury and skeletal muscle injury.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (MM)
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (MM)

      Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK-MM) test is a blood test that performs to evaluates the level of Creatine Kinase-MM. It is performed to confirm myocardial infarction, myocardial injury and skeletal muscle injury.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (Total)
    • CPK (Creatine Phosphokinase) (Total)

      Total Creatine Phosphokinase (CPK) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Creatine Kinase in blood. It is performed to confirm myocardial infarction, myocardial injury and skeletal muscle injury.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Creatinine Clearance Test
    • Creatinine Clearance Test

      Creatinine Clearance Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Glomerular Filtration Rate in random urine. It is performed to detect Kidney Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Creatinine Serum Test
    • Creatinine Serum Test

      Creatinine or Serum Creatinine test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of creatinine in blood. It is performed to detect Kidney Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Creatinine Urine Test
    • Creatinine Urine Test

      Creatinine Urine Test is a urine test that performs to evaluate the level of creatinine in random urine. It is performed to detect Kidney Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CRP (C-Reactive Protein) High Sensitivity
    • CRP (C-Reactive Protein) High Sensitivity

      CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of C Reactive Protein in blood. This test is performed to detect Infection and Inflammation.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test
    • CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test

      CRP (C-Reactive Protein) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of C Reactive Protein in blood. It is performed to detect Infection and Inflammation.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cryptococcal Antigen Test
    • Cryptococcal Antigen Test

      Cryptococcal Antigen Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Cryptococcal Antigen in blood. This test is performed to confirm Cryptococcus Infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cystatin C
    • Cystatin C

      Cystatin C blood test is performed to measure the level of Cystatin C in blood. This test is performed to confirm Renal Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Cytomegalo Virus (CMV) Antibody IgM/IgG
    • Cytomegalo Virus (CMV) Antibody IgM/IgG

      Cytomegalo Virus (CMV) Antibody IgM/IgG test is a blood test to evaluate the level of CMV Antibody IgM/IgG in blood. This test is performed to confirm Cytomegalo Virus infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • D Dimer Test
    • D Dimer Test

      D Dimer Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of D-Dimer in blood. This test is performed to detect Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Dengue IgG Antibody
    • Dengue IgG Antibody

      Dengue IgG Antibody test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Dengue Antibodies - IgG in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Dengue.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Dengue IgM Antibody
    • Dengue IgM Antibody

      Dengue IgM Antibody test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Dengue Antibodies - IgM in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Dengue.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Dengue NS1 Antigen
    • Dengue NS1 Antigen

      Dengue NS1 Antigen test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Dengue Antigen in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Dengue.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Sulfate Test
    • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Sulfate Test

      Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of DHEAS in blood. This test is performed to confirm adrenal cancers, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and adult-onset adrenal hyperplasia.


      Overnight fasting is preferred

    • NA
    • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Test
    • DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) Test

      Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of DHEA in blood. This test is performed to confirm adrenal cancers, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and adult-onset adrenal hyperplasia.


      Overnight fasting is preferred

    • NA
    • Digitoxin
    • Digitoxin

      Digitoxin test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Digitoxin in blood. This test is performed to confirm the congestive heart failure.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Double Marker Test
    • Double Marker Test

      Double Marker test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Free Beta hCG and PAPP-A (pregnancy assosciated plasma protein A) in blood. This test is usually done between 9 to 13 weeks of pregnancy to detect the abnormalities in the unborn child.


      Patients should undergo an USG test within 6 days prior to the blood test.

    • NA
    • Electrolytes Test
    • Electrolytes Test

      Electrolytes Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Sodium, Potassium, Chloride (Na, K, Cl) and Bicarbonate in blood. This test is performed to confirm Head Injury, Heat Stroke, Renal Disorder and Seizures.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test
    • ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Test

      Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the rate at which red blood cells sediment in a period of one hour. This test is performed to check for diseases causing inflammation in your body.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Estradiol (E2) Test
    • Estradiol (E2) Test

      Estradiol (E2) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of the hormone estradiol in your blood. This test is performed to help in In Vitro Fertilization (IVF).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Factor IX (Anti Haemophilic B) Activity
    • Factor IX (Anti Haemophilic B) Activity

      Factor IX (Anti Haemophilic B) Activity test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the activity of Factor IX in blood. This test is performed to confirm Haemophilia B.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Factor VIII (Anti Haemophilic A) Activity
    • Factor VIII (Anti Haemophilic A) Activity

      Factor VIII (Anti Haemophilic A) Activity test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the activity of Factor VIII in blood. This test is performed to confirm Haemophilia A.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Ferritin Test
    • Ferritin Test

      Ferritin Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of major iron storage protein, called ferritin in blood. This test is performed to confirm iron deficiency Anemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Flow Cytometry (CD 3/CD 4/CD 8)
    • Flow Cytometry (CD 3/CD 4/CD 8)

      Flow Cytometry is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of blood or bone marrow cells in blood. This test is performed to confirm Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Flow Cytometry (Single)
    • Flow Cytometry (Single)

      Flow Cytometry is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of blood or bone marrow cells in blood. This test is performed to confirm Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Flow Cytometry Acute Leukemia
    • Flow Cytometry Acute Leukemia

      Flow Cytometry is a blood test that performed to evaluate level of blood or bone marrow cells in blood. This test is performed to confirm Acute Leukemia and Lymphoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)
    • Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH)

      Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization (FISH) Test is performed to view gene changes in cancer cells and to diagnose cancers..


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • FNAC Test
    • FNAC Test

      Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) test is performed on a sample of FNAC material to evaluate the level of Malignant Cells in the FNAC material and detect Malignancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Folic Acid (Folate) Test
    • Folic Acid (Folate) Test

      Folic Acid (Folate) or Vitamin B9 test is performed to detect the level of vitamin B9 or Folate in blood serum. This test is primarily performed in the diagnosis of megaloblastic anemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Fructosamine Test
    • Fructosamine Test

      Fructosamine Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Fructosamine in blood. This test is performed to monitor diabetes.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • FSH & LH Test
    • FSH & LH Test

      Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of FSH and LH in blood. This test is performed to confirm Infertility and Menstrual Disorder.


      In females, preferred sampling time is day 2/3 of the menstrual cycle.

    • NA
    • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test
    • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) Test

      Follicular Stimulating Hormone (FSH) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of FSH in blood. This test is performed to confirm Infertility and Menstrual Disorder.


      In females, preferred sampling time is day 2/3 of the menstrual cycle.

    • NA
    • G6PD Neonatal Screen
    • G6PD Neonatal Screen

      Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of G6PD in blood. This test is performed to confirm Congenital Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • G6PD Quantitative Blood
    • G6PD Quantitative Blood

      Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of G6PD in blood. This test is performed to confirm Congenital Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Galactosemia Classical - Quantitative
    • Galactosemia Classical - Quantitative

      Classical Galactosemia is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) enzyme in blood. This test is performed to confirm Galactosemia (characterised by poor growth, mental retardation, speech abnormalities and liver enlargement).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Galactosemia Newborn Screening
    • Galactosemia Newborn Screening

      Galactosemia Newborn Screening test is a blood test of a newborn baby, that performs to evaluate the level of galactose-1-phosphate uridyl transferase (GALT) enzyme in blood. This test is performed to confirm Galactosemia (characterised by poor growth, mental retardation, speech abnormalities and liver enlargement). The Infants with galactosemia may appear normal at birth, within a few days to two weeks after initiating milk feedings, the symptoms of untreated galactosemia can become very sever


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP)
    • Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP)

      Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of GGT enzyme in blood. This test is performed to detect Bile Duct Disease and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Ganglioside Antibody Profile
    • Ganglioside Antibody Profile

      Ganglioside Antibody Profile is a set of blood test that performs to evaluate the level of GM1 Antibodies, asialo GM1 Antibodies and GD1b Antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Neurological Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)
    • Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

      Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of creatinine in blood and calculate a nunber that reflects how well the kidneys are functioning.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Glucose Challenge Test (GCT)
    • Glucose Challenge Test (GCT)

      Glucose Challenge Test (GCT) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of glucose in fasting blood. This test is performed during pregnancy to screen for gestational diabetes.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)
    • Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT)

      Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of glucose in fasting blood. This test is performed to confirm Diabetes and Prediabetes.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65) Antibody
    • Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65) Antibody

      Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65) Antibody Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase (GAD65) Antibody in blood. This test is performed to monitor Autimmune Diabetes Mellitus.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Gram's Staining
    • Gram's Staining

      Gram's Staining is a differential staining method that performs in a sample taken from the site of a suspected infection to categorize bacteria in that sample into two major groups: Gram positive and Gram negative. This test is performed to detect infection in any body site.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Growth Hormone Test
    • Growth Hormone Test

      Growth Hormone Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Growth Hormone in blood. This test is performed to confirm Acromegaly, Dwarfism, Gigantism and Growth Hormone Deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • HbA1c Test
    • HbA1c Test

      Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HbA1c in blood. This test is performed to confirm Type 1 & 2 Diabetes Mellitus.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hemoglobin (Hb) Test
    • Hemoglobin (Hb) Test

      Hemoglobin (Hb) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hemoglobin in blood. This test is performed to detect Anemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgG
    • Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgG

      Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis A Antibody - IgG in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis A.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgM
    • Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) IgM

      Hepatitis A Antibody (Anti-HAV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis A Antibody - IgM in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis A.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) IgM
    • Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) IgM

      Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Core Antibody in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) Total
    • Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) Total

      Hepatitis B Core Antibody (HBcAb) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Core Antibody in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B e Antibody (HBeAb)
    • Hepatitis B e Antibody (HBeAb)

      Hepatitis B e Antibodies (HBeAb) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B e Antibody in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg)
    • Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg)

      Hepatitis B e Antigen (HBeAg) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B e Antigen in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Profile
    • Hepatitis B Profile

      Hepatitis B Profile is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B antigens and antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb)

      Hepatitis B Surface Antibody (HBsAb) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Surface Antibody in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Australia
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Australia

      Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Quantitative
    • Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) Quantitative

      Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Surface Antigen in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis B Viral DNA Load
    • Hepatitis B Viral DNA Load

      Hepatitis B Viral DNA Load is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis B Viral DNA load in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Hepatitis B.


      12 hours fasting is Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV)
    • Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV)

      Hepatitis C Antibody (Anti-HCV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis C Antibody in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis C viral infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis C Viral Load
    • Hepatitis C Viral Load

      Hepatitis C Viral Load test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis C Viral Load in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis C viral infection.


      12 hours fasting is Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) IgG
    • Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) IgG

      Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis D Antibody - IgG in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis D.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) IgM
    • Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) IgM

      Hepatitis D Antibody (Anti-HDV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis D Antibody - IgM in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis D.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) IgG
    • Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) IgG

      Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis E Antibody - IgG in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis E.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) IgM
    • Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) IgM

      Hepatitis E Antibody (Anti-HEV) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hepatitis E Antibody - IgM in the blood. This test is performed to detect, diagnose and monitor the treatment of a hepatitis E.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hepatitis Panel
    • Hepatitis Panel

      Hepatitis Panel is a blood test that is performed to find antigens, antibodies, or the genetic material (DNA or RNA) of the viruses that cause hepatitis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 IgG/IgM
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 IgG/IgM

      Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 & 2 IgG/IgM test is a blood test to evaluate the level of HSV 1 & 2 IgG/IgM in blood. This test is performed to confirm Genital Herpes.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 IgG/IgM
    • Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 IgG/IgM

      Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 IgG/IgM test is a blood test to evaluate the level of HSV 1 IgG/IgM in blood. This test is performed to confirm Genital Herpes.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Screening Test
    • HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Screening Test

      HIV test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HIV 1 Antibodies and HIV 2 Antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to detect HIV Infection (AIDS).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Western Blot
    • HIV 1 & 2 Antibodies Western Blot

      HIV test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HIV 1 Antibodies and HIV 2 Antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to detect HIV Infection (AIDS).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • HIV 1 RNA Quantitative Real Time PCR
    • HIV 1 RNA Quantitative Real Time PCR

      HIV test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HIV 1 RNA in the blood. This test is performed to detect HIV Infection (AIDS).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Homocysteine Test
    • Homocysteine Test

      Homocysteine Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Homocysteine in the blood. This test is performed to detect B6 & B12 Deficiency, Folic Acid Deficiency and myocardial infarction.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4)
    • Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4)

      Human Epididymis Protein 4 (HE4) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HE4 in blood. This test is performed to detect the ovarian cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) B27 Test
    • Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) B27 Test

      Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) B27 Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HLA B27 Antigen in the blood. This test is performed to detect immume and autoimmune disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH)
    • Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH)

      Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase in blood. This test is performed to detect Diabetic Ketoacidosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)
    • Immunohistochemistry (IHC)

      Immunohistochemistry (IHC) is a special staining test that performs to evaluate antigens in cells of a tissue. This test is performed to diagnose certain cancers.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Insulin Test (Fasting)
    • Insulin Test (Fasting)

      Insulin test (Fasting) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of insulin hormone in fasting blood. This test is performed to confirm prediabetes and metabolic syndrome.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Insulin Test (PP)
    • Insulin Test (PP)

      Insulin test (PP) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of insulin hormone in post prandial blood. This test is performed to confirm prediabetes and metabolic syndrome.


      Collect sample exactly 2 hours after starting meal.

    • NA
    • Insulin Test (Random)
    • Insulin Test (Random)

      Insulin test (Random) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of insulin hormone in random blood. This test is performed to confirm prediabetes and metabolic syndrome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Iron Studies
    • Iron Studies

      Iron Studies or Iron tests are a group of blood tests that are performed to evaluate body iron stores or the level of iron in blood serum. This test is performed to confirm iron deficiency anemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Kappa/Lambda Light Chains - Free
    • Kappa/Lambda Light Chains - Free

      Kappa/Lambda Light Chains - Free test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of kappa free light chains and lambda free light chains in blood. This test is performed to confirm Light Chain Diseases and Multiple Myeloma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Kidney (Renal) Function Test
    • Kidney (Renal) Function Test

      Kidney (Renal) Function Test is a urine and blood test including ACR (Albumin to Creatinine Ratio) and GFR (glomerular filtration rate). ACR is a urine test to see how much albumin (a type of protein) is in your urine and GFR is a blood test to detect kidney function.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)
    • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH)

      Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of LDH in blood. This test is performed to confirm Blood Disorder, Heart Disorder, Kidney Disorder, Lung Disorder and Muscle Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Leukemia Diagnostic Profile
    • Leukemia Diagnostic Profile

      Leukemia Diagnostic Profile is a set of blood tests and bone marrow test, that performs to evaluate the abnormal level of red or white blood cells or platelets in blood and bone marrow aspirate. This test is performed to diagnose Acute Leukemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • LH (Luteinizing Hormone ) Test
    • LH (Luteinizing Hormone ) Test

      Luteinizing Hormone (LH) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of LH in blood. This test is performed to confirm Infertility and Menstrual Disorder.


      In females, preferred sampling time is day 2/3 of the menstrual cycle.

    • NA
    • Lipid Profile
    • Lipid Profile

      Lipid Profile is a panel of blood tests that performs to evaluate the level of Total Cholesterol, HDl, LDL and Triglycerides in blood. It is performed to confirm cardiovascular disorder and lipid metabolism.


      10-12 hours fasting is required (except for LDL which can be non-fasting).

    • NA
    • Lipoprotein
    • Lipoprotein

      Lipoprotein test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, VLDL Cholesterol, ULDL Cholesterol in blood. This test is performed to detect Heart Disorder and Obesity.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Liver Function Test
    • Liver Function Test

      Liver Function Test (LFT) is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT or SGPT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGT), Total Protein, Prothrombin Time (PT), Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD), Albumin, Bilirubin, Globulin in blood. This test is performed to confirm Alcoholism, Cirrhosis and Jaundice.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Liver Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies
    • Liver Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies

      Liver Kidney Microsomal (LKM) Antibodies test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of LKM Antibodies in blood. This test is performed to confirm autoimmune liver disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Lupus Anticoagulant
    • Lupus Anticoagulant

      Lupus Anticoagulant test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of clotting time in the blood. This test is performed to detect Antiphospholipid Lupus Anticoagulant and Repeated Loss of Pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Malaria Parasite Test
    • Malaria Parasite Test

      Malaria Parasite Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of malaria parasite in blood. This test is performed to confirm Malaria.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Malaria Vivax and Falciparum Antigen
    • Malaria Vivax and Falciparum Antigen

      Malaria Parasite Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Vivax and Falciparum Antigen in blood. This test is performed to confirm Malaria.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Mantoux (Tuberculin Skin Test) or PPD Test
    • Mantoux (Tuberculin Skin Test) or PPD Test

      Mantoux Test or Tuberculin Skin Test or PPD (purified protein derivative) Test is a tool for screening for tuberculosis (TB) and for tuberculosis diagnosis using intradermal injection of tuberculin.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Menorrhagia Screen Test
    • Menorrhagia Screen Test

      Menorrhagia Screen Test is performed to diagnose the bleeding disorders at menstruation.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio - Urine
    • Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio - Urine

      Microalbumin to Creatinine Ratio urine test is performed to measure the amount of urine albumin compared with the quantity of a waste product in the urine called creatinine. This test is commonly used to screen for diabetic kidney disease, high blood pressure and autoimmune disorders.


      No Special Preparation Required. Fasting preferred.

    • NA
    • Microalbumin Urine Test
    • Microalbumin Urine Test

      Microalbumin urine test is performed to detect very small levels of a blood protein (albumin) in your random urine. This test test is used to detect early signs of kidney damage, Renal Disorder and Urinary Tract Infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA) - IFA
    • Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA) - IFA

      Mitochondrial Antibody (AMA) - IFA is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Mitochondrial Antibody in blood. This test is performed to detect Primary Biliary Cirrhosis.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Multiple Sclerosis Panel - Oligoclonal Band
    • Multiple Sclerosis Panel - Oligoclonal Band

      Multiple Sclerosis Panel - Oligoclonal Band test is a Cerebro-Spinal Fluid (CSF) test that performs to evaluate the level of Oligoclonal Band in CSF. This test is performed to confirm Multiple Sclerosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Neuroblastoma Profile
    • Neuroblastoma Profile

      Neuroblastoma Profile is a set of biochemical tests to evaluate the level of catecholamine metabolites - Homovanillic acid (HVA) and Vanillylmandelic acid (VMA) in blood or urine. This test is performed to confirm neuroblastoma tumor.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • NT - Pro BNP
    • NT - Pro BNP

      N-terminal pro-Brain Natriuretic Peptide test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of NT - Pro BNP in blood. This test is performed to confirm the severity of heart failure.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • PAP Smear
    • PAP Smear

      PAP Smear test is a cervical screening test that performs to evaluate the level of PAP cytology in the cervical smear (sample of cells of a woman's cervix). This test is performed to detect Cervical Cancer, Cervical Infection and Cervical Inflammation.


      Avoid intercourse, douching, or using any vaginal medicines or spermicidal jellies for 2 days before having a Pap smear, as these may wash away or mask abnormal cells.

    • NA
    • PCV / Hematocrit Test
    • PCV / Hematocrit Test

      PCV / Hematocrit test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Packed Cell Volume in blood. This test is performed to detect Polycythemia Vera, means a slow-growing blood cancer in which your bone marrow makes too many red blood cells.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Pheochromocytoma / Catecholamine Profile - 24 Hours Urine
    • Pheochromocytoma / Catecholamine Profile - 24 Hours Urine

      Pheochromocytoma Profile is a set of biochemical tests to evaluate the level of catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) and metanephrines in 24 hours urine. This test is performed to confirm Pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands). When the diagnosis is confirmed with urine studies, the patient should have a CT scan or MRI to identify the location of the pheochromocytoma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Pheochromocytoma / Catecholamine Profile - Blood
    • Pheochromocytoma / Catecholamine Profile - Blood

      Pheochromocytoma Profile is a set of biochemical tests to evaluate the level of catecholamines (adrenaline, noradrenaline and dopamine) and metanephrines in blood. This test is performed to confirm Pheochromocytoma (tumor of the adrenal glands). When the diagnosis is confirmed with blood studies, the patient should have a CT scan or MRI to identify the location of the pheochromocytoma.


      Patient must be at rest for 30 minutes and collect specimen in supine position.

    • NA
    • Platelet Count
    • Platelet Count

      Platelet Count test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Platelet Count in the blood. It is performed to confirm Bleeding Disorder, Dengue and Malaria.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Test
    • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Test

      Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Test is a set of tests that performs to visualize enlarged ovaries with small cysts and to evaluate the levels of hormone in blood.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein - A (PAPP-A)
    • Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein - A (PAPP-A)

      Pregnancy Associated Plasma Protein - A (PAPP-A) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of PAPP-A in blood. This test is performed to confirm Pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Pregnancy Test - Urine
    • Pregnancy Test - Urine

      Pregnancy Test Urine is a urine test that performs to evaluate the level of HCG in random urine. This test is performed to confirm Pregnancy.


      Collect first void specimen of urine.

    • NA
    • Progesterone Test
    • Progesterone Test

      Progesterone Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Progesterone in blood. This test is performed to detect Menstrual Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Prolactin Test
    • Prolactin Test

      Prolactin Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of prolactin in blood. This test is performed to Pituitary tumors, Amenorrhea, Galactorrhea, Infertility & Hypogonadism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA)
    • Proliferating Cell Nuclear Antigen (PCNA)

      This test is performed to confirm Autoimmune Disorders among Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) patients.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Protein Electrophoresis Blood
    • Protein Electrophoresis Blood

      Protein Electrophoresis Blood is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of protein in blood. This test is performed to detect Acute Inflammation, Chronic Inflammation and Multiple Myeloma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Protein Electrophoresis Urine
    • Protein Electrophoresis Urine

      Protein Electrophoresis Urine is a urine test that performs to evaluate the level of protein in urine. This test is performed to detect Acute Inflammation, Chronic Inflammation and Multiple Myeloma.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Protein Test Total - Serum
    • Protein Test Total - Serum

      Total Protein Test Serum is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of protein in blood. This test is performed to detect Kidney Disorder and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Protein Test Total - Urine
    • Protein Test Total - Urine

      Total Protein Test Urine is a urine test that performs to evaluate the level of protein in random urine. This test is performed to detect Kidney Disorder and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Protein to Creatinine Ratio - Urine
    • Protein to Creatinine Ratio - Urine

      Protein to Creatinine Ratio Test is a urine test that performs to evaluate the protein-to-creatinine ratio in spot urine samples. It is performed to detect Kidney Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Free
    • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Free

      PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Free test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of free PSA in blood. This test is performed to detect the Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer Screening.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Total
    • PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Total

      PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) Total test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of total PSA in blood. This test is performed to detect the Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer Screening.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • PSA Comprehensive (Total PSA, Free PSA & Ratio)
    • PSA Comprehensive (Total PSA, Free PSA & Ratio)

      PSA Comprehensive (Total PSA, Free PSA & Ratio) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of total PSA, free PSA and total PSA:free PSA ratio in blood. This test is performed to detect the Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer Screening.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • PT (Prothrombin Time) Test
    • PT (Prothrombin Time) Test

      PT (Prothrombin Time) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Prothrombin Time in blood. This test is performed to detect bleeding disorder.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test
    • PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test

      PTH (Parathyroid Hormone) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Prothrombin Time in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test
    • Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test

      Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) Factor Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of RA Factor in blood. This test is performed to detect Rheumatoid Arthritis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Rubella Antibody IgG/IgM
    • Rubella Antibody IgG/IgM

      Rubella Antibody IgG/IgM test is a blood test to evaluate the level of Rubella Antibody IgG/IgM in blood. This test is performed to confirm Rubella.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Semen Analysis Test
    • Semen Analysis Test

      Semen Analysis Test is a semen test that performs to evaluate the level of sperm volume, sperm count, motility, sperm concentration and pH in the semen. This test is performed to confirm infertility.


      Patient should maintain sexual abstinence for 3-7 days.

    • NA
    • SGOT Test
    • SGOT Test

      Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) in blood. This test is performed to confirm Alcoholism, Jaundice and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • SGPT Test
    • SGPT Test

      Alanine Aminotransferase (SGPT) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Alanine Aminotransferase (AST or SGOT) in blood. This test is performed to confirm Alcoholism, Jaundice and Liver Disorder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Sputum Routine Test
    • Sputum Routine Test

      Sputum Routine Test is a sputum test that performs to evaluate level of bacteria or fungi in sputum. This test is performed to detect Tuberculosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Stool C-Difficile Toxin A & B
    • Stool C-Difficile Toxin A & B

      Stool C-Difficile Toxin A & B Test is a stool test that performs to identify the C-Difficile Toxin A & B in stool and diagnose diarrhea, pseudomembranous colitis and complications caused by toxin-producing C-Difficile.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Stool Culture (C/S) Test
    • Stool Culture (C/S) Test

      Stool Culture Test is a stool test that performs to identify the presence of disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria and help diagnose the infections of the lower GI tract.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Stool DNA Test
    • Stool DNA Test

      The Stool DNA Test is performed to identify DNA changes in the cells of a stool sample. The stool DNA test is a new method to screen for colon cancer.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Stool Occult Blood
    • Stool Occult Blood

      Stool Occult Blood Test is a stool test that performs to identify the hidden (occult) blood in stool, which may indicate colon cancer or polyps in the colon or rectum.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Stool Rota Virus Detection
    • Stool Rota Virus Detection

      Stool Rota Virus Detection Test is a stool test that performs to diagnose a rotavirus infection. This infection is especially common in young children, but it can affect adults too.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Stool Routine (R/E) Test
    • Stool Routine (R/E) Test

      Stool Routine Test is a stool test that performs to identify the presence of disease-causing (pathogenic) bacteria and help diagnose the infections of the lower GI tract.


      Morning sample is preferred. Catch the stool in a plastic container and wrap.

    • NA
    • Swine Flu Test (H1N1)
    • Swine Flu Test (H1N1)

      Swine Flu (H1N1) Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate level of swine flu antigen in blood. This test is performed to detect swine flu.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Synovial Fluid Analysis
    • Synovial Fluid Analysis

      Synovial Fluid test is performed to detect the presence of bacteria, crystals, and blood cells in synovial fluid and diagnose the cause of joint inflammation, pain, swelling, and fluid build-up.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • T3 Free Test
    • T3 Free Test

      Free Triiodothyronine is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of T3 free in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • T3 Total Test
    • T3 Total Test

      Total Triiodothyronine is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of total T3 in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • T4 free Test
    • T4 free Test

      free Thyroxine is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of T4 free in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • T4 Total Test
    • T4 Total Test

      Total Thyroxine is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of total T4 in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • TB Gold / Gamma Interferron
    • TB Gold / Gamma Interferron

      Quantiferron TB Gold test is a whole blood test that performs to evaluate a component of cell-mediated immune reactivity in blood. This test is performed to detect Mycobacterium Tuberculosis infection. This is also known as Interferon-Gamma Release Assay (IGRA).


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Testosterone Test - Free
    • Testosterone Test - Free

      Testosterone Test - Free is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Testosterone - Free in blood. This test is performed to detect hirsutism acne, male hypogonadism and certain types of breast cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Testosterone Test - Total
    • Testosterone Test - Total

      Testosterone Test - Total is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Testosterone - Total in blood. This test is performed to detect hirsutism acne, male hypogonadism and certain types of breast cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Thalassemia Profile
    • Thalassemia Profile

      Thalassemia Profile is a group of blood tests that performs to evaluate the level of Thalassemia in blood. This test is performed to diagnose Thalassemia.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Thyroglobulin (Tg)
    • Thyroglobulin (Tg)

      Thyroglobulin is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Thyroglobulin in blood. This test is performed to confirm Thyroid Cancer.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Thyroid Profile (T3 T4 TSH)
    • Thyroid Profile (T3 T4 TSH)

      Thyroid Profile is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of T3, T4 and TSH in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • TORCH Test - IgG
    • TORCH Test - IgG

      TORCH Test - IgG is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of IgG antibodies of TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalo virus, and Herpes simplex virus) panel in blood. This test is performed to detect infection in pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • TORCH Test - IgG & IgM
    • TORCH Test - IgG & IgM

      TORCH Test - IgG & IgM is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of IgG & IgM antibodies of TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes virus) panel in blood. This test is performed to detect infection in pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • TORCH Test - IgM
    • TORCH Test - IgM

      TORCH Test - IgM is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of IgM antibodies of TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalo virus, and Herpes simplex virus) panel in blood. This test is performed to detect infection in pregnancy.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Toxoplasma Antibody IgG/IgM
    • Toxoplasma Antibody IgG/IgM

      Toxoplasma Antibody IgG/IgM test is a blood test to evaluate the level of Toxoplasma Antibody IgG/IgM in blood. This test is performed to confirm Toxoplasma Infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Transferrin Test
    • Transferrin Test

      Transferrin Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of transferrin in blood. This test is performed to detect Iron deficiency Anemia.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Triglycerides
    • Triglycerides


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Triple Marker Test
    • Triple Marker Test

      Double Marker test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Alpha Fetoprotein, HCG and Estriol in blood. This test is usually done in the second trimester of pregnancy to detect chromosomal abnormalities.


      Patients should undergo an USG test within 6 days prior to the blood test.

    • NA
    • Troponin-I Test
    • Troponin-I Test

      Troponin-I Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate level of Troponin-I in blood. This test is performed to detect Acute Coronary Syndromes and Acute Myocardial Infarction.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Troponin-T Test
    • Troponin-T Test

      Troponin-T Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate level of Troponin-T in blood. This test is performed to detect Acute Coronary Syndromes and Acute Myocardial Infarction.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test
    • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Test

      Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of TSH in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Ultrasensitive
    • TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) Ultrasensitive

      Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of TSH in blood. This test is performed to detect Hyperparathyroidism and Hypoparathyroidism.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Tuberculosis (TB) Test - IgG/IgM
    • Tuberculosis (TB) Test - IgG/IgM

      Tuberculosis (TB) Test - IgG/IgM is a blood test that performs to evaluate level of TB Antibodies - IgG & TB Antibodies - IgM in blood. This test is performed to detect Tuberculosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) - Alpha
    • Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) - Alpha

      Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) - Alpha is a blood test that performs to evaluate the growth factor for immune cells and osteoclasts. This test is performed to detect Chronic Infections, Certain Cancers and Hepatitis C.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Uric Acid Test
    • Uric Acid Test

      Uric Acid Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate level ofuric acid in blood. This test is performed to help diagnose Gout.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Urine Culture (C/S) Test
    • Urine Culture (C/S) Test

      Urine Routine (R/E) Test is a urine test that performs to detect blood or bacteria in random urine. This test is performed to confirm urinary tract infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Urine Routine (R/E) Test
    • Urine Routine (R/E) Test

      Urine Routine (R/E) Test is a urine test that performs to detect blood or bacteria in urine. This test is performed to confirm urinary tract infection.


      First morning urine sample required

    • NA
    • Vasculitis Panel
    • Vasculitis Panel

      Vasculitis Panel test is a blood test that performs to detect damage of blood vessels. This test is performed to diagnose Vasculitis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • VDRL Test
    • VDRL Test

      Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL) test is a blood test that performs to detect a bacteria named, Treponema pallidum in blood. This test is performed to confirm Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Vitamin A Test
    • Vitamin A Test

      Vitamin A Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Retinol in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin A Deficiency and Vitamin A Excess.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin B1 Test
    • Vitamin B1 Test

      Vitamin B1 Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of vitamin B1 in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin B1 Deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin B12 Test
    • Vitamin B12 Test

      Vitamin B12 Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of vitamin B12 in blood. This test is performed to confirm Macrocytic Anemia and Vitamin B12 Deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin B2 Test
    • Vitamin B2 Test

      Vitamin B2 Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of vitamin B2 in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin B2 Deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin B6 Test
    • Vitamin B6 Test

      Vitamin B6 Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of vitamin B6 in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin B6 Deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin C Test
    • Vitamin C Test

      Vitamin C Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Ascorbic Acid in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin C Deficiency or Nutritional Disorders.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Vitamin D 1, 25 - Dihydroxy
    • Vitamin D 1, 25 - Dihydroxy

      Vitamin D 1, 25 - Dihydroxy is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Vitamin D 1, 25 - Dihydroxy in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin D deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Vitamin D 25 - Hydroxy
    • Vitamin D 25 - Hydroxy

      Vitamin D 25 - Hydroxy is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Vitamin D 25 - Hydroxy in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin D deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Vitamin D Ultrasensitive
    • Vitamin D Ultrasensitive

      Vitamin D Ultrasensitive is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Ultrasensitive Vitamin D in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin D deficiency.


      Overnight fasting is preferred.

    • NA
    • Vitamin E Test
    • Vitamin E Test

      Vitamin E Test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of vitamin E in blood. This test is performed to confirm Vitamin E Deficiency or Nutritional Disorders.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Widal Slide Test
    • Widal Slide Test

      Widal test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Salmonella antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Typhoid Infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Widal Tube Test
    • Widal Tube Test

      Widal test is a blood test that performs to evaluate the level of Salmonella antibodies in the blood. This test is performed to confirm Typhoid Infection.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
  • Radiology and Imaging
    • Anomaly Scan
    • Anomaly Scan

      Anomaly Scan is a USG scan that is performed between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy to check development and to exclude structural abnormalities in baby.


      Patients should have atleast 2-3 glasses of water and should hold urine pressure for a full bladder.

    • NA
    • Anomaly Scan (Twin)
    • Anomaly Scan (Twin)

      Anomaly Scan is a USG scan that is performed between 18-24 weeks of pregnancy to check development and to exclude structural abnormalities in baby.


      Patients should have atleast 2-3 glasses of water and should hold urine pressure for a full bladder.

    • NA
    • Audiometry Screening
    • Audiometry Screening

      Audiometry test measures your ability to hear sounds. During the test, you will wear earphones and hear a range of sounds directed to one ear at a time.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Barium Enema
    • Barium Enema

      Barium Enema is an X-ray imaging that performs to examine and diagnose the lower intestinal tract (colon).


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Barium Meal
    • Barium Meal

      Barium Meal is an X-ray imaging that performs to examine and diagnose the abnormalities of the lower esophagus, stomach and small bowel.


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • Barium Swallow
    • Barium Swallow

      Barium Swallow is an X-ray imaging that performs to examine and diagnose the abnormalities of the upper GI tract (pharynx, stomach and esophagus).


      Overnight fasting is required.

    • NA
    • CT Bone Densitomerty
    • CT Bone Densitomerty

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Cerebral Angiography
    • CT Cerebral Angiography

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Urea & Creatinine blood report mandatory; Patient should be in 4-6 hrs empty stomach; If patient is diabetic METMORPHIN group of medicine to be stopped for 2 days; Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Cisternogram
    • CT Cisternogram

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Coronary Angiography
    • CT Coronary Angiography

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Urea & Creatinine blood report mandatory; Patient should be in 4-6 hrs empty stomach; If patient is diabetic METMORPHIN group of medicine to be stopped for 2 days; Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Extra Film (each)
    • CT Extra Film (each)

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Extra Slice (each)
    • CT Extra Slice (each)

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Alcohol Ablation
    • CT Guided Alcohol Ablation

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Aspiration
    • CT Guided Aspiration

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Biopsy
    • CT Guided Biopsy

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Coeliac Ganglion Block
    • CT Guided Coeliac Ganglion Block

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided FNAC
    • CT Guided FNAC

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy
    • CT Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Guided Pigtail Drainage
    • CT Guided Pigtail Drainage

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Myelogram
    • CT Myelogram

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan Aorta
    • CT Scan Aorta

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Ankle
    • CT Scan of Ankle

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Ankles
    • CT Scan of Both Ankles

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Elbows
    • CT Scan of Both Elbows

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Femurs
    • CT Scan of Both Femurs

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Hips
    • CT Scan of Both Hips

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Humerus
    • CT Scan of Both Humerus

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Knees
    • CT Scan of Both Knees

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Shoulders
    • CT Scan of Both Shoulders

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Thighs
    • CT Scan of Both Thighs

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Both Wrists
    • CT Scan of Both Wrists

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Brain
    • CT Scan of Brain

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Brain & Orbit
    • CT Scan of Brain & Orbit

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Cervical Spine
    • CT Scan of Cervical Spine

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Dorsal/Thoracic Spine
    • CT Scan of Dorsal/Thoracic Spine

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Elbow
    • CT Scan of Elbow

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Face/Mandible
    • CT Scan of Face/Mandible

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Femur
    • CT Scan of Femur

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Hip
    • CT Scan of Hip

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Humerus
    • CT Scan of Humerus

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Knee
    • CT Scan of Knee

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Kub
    • CT Scan of Kub

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Lower Abdomen
    • CT Scan of Lower Abdomen

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Lumber Spine
    • CT Scan of Lumber Spine

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Mastoid/Temporal Bone
    • CT Scan of Mastoid/Temporal Bone

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Neck
    • CT Scan of Neck

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Orbit
    • CT Scan of Orbit

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Paranasal Sinus (PNS)
    • CT Scan of Paranasal Sinus (PNS)

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Pelvis
    • CT Scan of Pelvis

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Radiotherapy (2D)
    • CT Scan of Radiotherapy (2D)

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Radiotherapy (3D)
    • CT Scan of Radiotherapy (3D)

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Salivary Glands
    • CT Scan of Salivary Glands

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Shoulder
    • CT Scan of Shoulder

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Thigh
    • CT Scan of Thigh

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Thorax / HRCT
    • CT Scan of Thorax / HRCT

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Tibia
    • CT Scan of Tibia

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Upper Abdomen
    • CT Scan of Upper Abdomen

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Whole Abdomen
    • CT Scan of Whole Abdomen

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan of Wrist
    • CT Scan of Wrist

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Scan Sella
    • CT Scan Sella

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Screening for Renal Stone
    • CT Screening for Renal Stone

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Venogram
    • CT Venogram

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • CT Virtual Colonoscopy
    • CT Virtual Colonoscopy

      CT scan, also known as a computed tomography or CAT scan (computerized axial tomography scan), is a painless imaging procedure that uses computer-processed combinations of X-rays to make detailed pictures of structures inside of the body from different angles. It shows more detailed images than a regular X-ray. It may also be used to guide radiation treatment, biopsies and other surgeries.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects or cloths with metal zippers or buttons while going for a CT scan.

    • NA
    • DEXA (DXA) Scan (Bone Densitometry)
    • DEXA (DXA) Scan (Bone Densitometry)

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Both Forearms
    • DEXA Scan Both Forearms

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Both Hands
    • DEXA Scan Both Hands

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Both Hips
    • DEXA Scan Both Hips

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Both Legs
    • DEXA Scan Both Legs

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Extremities
    • DEXA Scan Extremities

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Forearm
    • DEXA Scan Forearm

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Hand
    • DEXA Scan Hand

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Leg
    • DEXA Scan Leg

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Spine
    • DEXA Scan Spine

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • DEXA Scan Whole Body
    • DEXA Scan Whole Body

      DEXA Scan (Dual-Energy X-ray Absorptiometry scan) is a painless imaging procedure that uses X-rays to measure bone mineral density (BMD). It is used primarily to detect osteopenia or osteoporosis, diseases in which the bone's mineral and density are low and the risk of fractures is increased.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Aorta Femoral
    • Doppler Aorta Femoral

      An Aorta Femoral Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the femoral artery. This test is uded for puncture of the femoral artery to study patients with coarctation of the aorta and reduced femoral pulses.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Arterial (both limb)
    • Doppler Arterial (both limb)

      An Arterial Doppler (limb) is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood clots, poorly functioning valves in arteries located in your arms or legs.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Arterial (single limb)
    • Doppler Arterial (single limb)

      An Arterial Doppler (limb) is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood clots, poorly functioning valves in arteries located in your arms or legs.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Carotid
    • Doppler Carotid

      A Carotid Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the possible blockages in carotid arteries in the neck which carry blood from the heart to the brain.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Eye (Both)
    • Doppler Eye (Both)

      An Eye Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood flow in ophthalmic artery.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Eye (Single)
    • Doppler Eye (Single)

      An Eye Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood flow in ophthalmic artery.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Pelvic
    • Doppler Pelvic

      A Pelvic Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to to visualize the uterine and ovarian arteries and the blood vessels within the ovarian stroma in both groups.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Penile
    • Doppler Penile

      A Penile Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to evaluate many conditions affecting the penis, including erectile dysfunction (ED), plaques (such as those caused by Peyronie's disease), fibrosis, lumps, and even cancer.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Pregnancy (Twin)
    • Doppler Pregnancy (Twin)

      A Twin Pregnancy Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to check blood flow in the umbilical arteries in twin pregnancy. This reported that increased impedance provided useful prediction of the subsequent development of fetal growth restriction and adverse perinatal outcome.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Pregnancy/Obstetrics
    • Doppler Pregnancy/Obstetrics

      An Obstetric Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to check blood flow in the umbilical cord, through the placenta, or in the heart and brain of the fetus. This test can show if the fetus is getting enough oxygen and nutrients. Doppler ultrasound may be used to guide decisions during pregnancy when the fetus is smaller than normal for the gestational age.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Renal (both)
    • Doppler Renal (both)

      A Renal Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to evaluate blood flow to the kidneys to determine if there is a narrowing or blockage of the renal arteries.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Renal (Single)
    • Doppler Renal (Single)

      A Renal Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to evaluate blood flow to the kidney to determine if there is a narrowing or blockage of the renal arteries.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Scrotal
    • Doppler Scrotal

      A Scrotal Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the testicles and the surrounding tissues in your scrotum.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Soft Tissue Swelling/Hernia
    • Doppler Soft Tissue Swelling/Hernia

      A Soft Tissue Swelling / Hernia Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the arterial flow within hernias or soft tissues.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Splenoportal
    • Doppler Splenoportal

      A Splenoportal Doppler is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to evaluate the blood flow in native liver vessels and other major hepatic vessels (hepatic artery, hepatic vein and portal vein) in various stages of cirrhosis.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Venous (both limb)
    • Doppler Venous (both limb)

      An Arterial Doppler (limb) is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood clots, poorly functioning valves in veins located in your arms or legs.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Doppler Venous (single limb)
    • Doppler Venous (single limb)

      An Arterial Doppler (limb) is an imaging test that uses ultrasound to examine the blood clots, poorly functioning valves in veins located in your arms or legs.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Fistulogram
    • Fistulogram

      Sinogram is an X-ray procedure that performs to visualize any abnormal passage (fistula) in the body by injecting x-ray dye (contrast) into the fistual.


      Patients should have light food atleast 4 hours prior to the test.

    • NA
    • Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
    • Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

      Hysterosalpingography or Uterosalpingography is a radiologic procedure that uses X-ray to look at your fallopian tubes and uterus.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Mammography (Both Breasts)
    • Mammography (Both Breasts)

      Mammography is an x-ray picture of the breast which is used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. It can also be used if you have a lump or other sign of breast cancer among women ages 40 to 70. Mammography is also recommended for younger women who have symptoms of breast cancer or who have a high risk of the disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Mammography (Single Breast)
    • Mammography (Single Breast)

      Mammography is an x-ray picture of the breast which is used to check for breast cancer in women who have no signs or symptoms of the disease. It can also be used if you have a lump or other sign of breast cancer among women ages 40 to 70. Mammography is also recommended for younger women who have symptoms of breast cancer or who have a high risk of the disease.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • MRCP
    • MRCP

      Magnetic Resonance Cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) Scan is a specialized MRI scan to produce pictures of the hepatiobiliary and pancreatic systems including the liver, gallbladder, bile ducts, pancreas and pancreatic duct.


      Stop eating and drinking for 4 hours prior to the test.

    • NA
    • MRI Anaesthesia
    • MRI Anaesthesia

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Angiogram
    • MRI Angiogram

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Arthrogram
    • MRI Arthrogram

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Cardiac Functional
    • MRI Cardiac Functional

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Cardiac Morphology
    • MRI Cardiac Morphology

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Chemical Shift Imaging Adrenal/Liver
    • MRI Chemical Shift Imaging Adrenal/Liver

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Contrast
    • MRI Contrast

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • MRI CP Angle
    • MRI CP Angle

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI CSF Flow Study
    • MRI CSF Flow Study

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Diffusion Protocol
    • MRI Diffusion Protocol

      MRI Diffusion Protocol is a group of MRI sequences that generates images from the resulting data, that uses the diffusion of water molecules to generate contrast in MR images.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Enteroclysis
    • MRI Enteroclysis

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Epilepsy Protocol in Brain
    • MRI Epilepsy Protocol in Brain

      MRI Epilepsy Protocol is a group of MRI sequences put together to improve sensitivity and specificity in identifying possible structural abnormalities that underlie seizure disorders.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Extra Film
    • MRI Extra Film

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • MRI Neck Angio
    • MRI Neck Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Ankle
    • MRI of Ankle

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Arm
    • MRI of Arm

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Ankles
    • MRI of Both Ankles

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Arms
    • MRI of Both Arms

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Elbows
    • MRI of Both Elbows

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Feet
    • MRI of Both Feet

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Forearms
    • MRI of Both Forearms

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Hands
    • MRI of Both Hands

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Hips
    • MRI of Both Hips

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Knees
    • MRI of Both Knees

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Legs
    • MRI of Both Legs

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Shoulders
    • MRI of Both Shoulders

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Thighs
    • MRI of Both Thighs

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Both Wrists
    • MRI of Both Wrists

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Brachial Plexus
    • MRI of Brachial Plexus

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Brain
    • MRI of Brain

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Brain with Angio
    • MRI of Brain with Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Brain with Orbit
    • MRI of Brain with Orbit

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Breast Both
    • MRI of Breast Both

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Breast Single
    • MRI of Breast Single

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Cervical Spine
    • MRI of Cervical Spine

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Dorsal / Thoracic Spine
    • MRI of Dorsal / Thoracic Spine

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Elbow
    • MRI of Elbow

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Extremities
    • MRI of Extremities

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Face
    • MRI of Face

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Finger
    • MRI of Finger

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Foot
    • MRI of Foot

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Forearm
    • MRI of Forearm

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Hand
    • MRI of Hand

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Hip
    • MRI of Hip

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Knee
    • MRI of Knee

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Kub
    • MRI of Kub

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Leg
    • MRI of Leg

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Lower Abdomen
    • MRI of Lower Abdomen

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Lumber Spine
    • MRI of Lumber Spine

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Neck
    • MRI of Neck

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Orbit
    • MRI of Orbit

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Paranasal Sinus (PNS)
    • MRI of Paranasal Sinus (PNS)

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Prostate
    • MRI of Prostate

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Sacroilliac Joint
    • MRI of Sacroilliac Joint

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI of Shoulder
    • MRI of Shoulder

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Temporal Bone
    • MRI of Temporal Bone

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Thigh
    • MRI of Thigh

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Thorax
    • MRI of Thorax

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of TM Joint
    • MRI of TM Joint

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Upper Abdomen
    • MRI of Upper Abdomen

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Whole Abdomen
    • MRI of Whole Abdomen

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI of Wrist
    • MRI of Wrist

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Perineum
    • MRI Perineum

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Pulmonary Angio
    • MRI Pulmonary Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Renal Angio
    • MRI Renal Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Screening
    • MRI Screening

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Spectroscopy
    • MRI Spectroscopy

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Spinal Angio
    • MRI Spinal Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Spleno Photography
    • MRI Spleno Photography

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Stroke Protocol
    • MRI Stroke Protocol

      MRI Stroke Protocol is a group of MRI sequences put together in the diagnosis and management of acute ischemic stroke.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Thorasic Angio
    • MRI Thorasic Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • MRI Urography
    • MRI Urography

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Venogram
    • MRI Venogram

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required.

    • NA
    • MRI Venous Angio
    • MRI Venous Angio

      MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) is a medical imaging procedure that uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to create detailed pictures of brain, organs, soft tissues, bone and all other parts inside the body.


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects. Patients should have liquid food atleast 4 hours prior to the test, water restriction not required. Metallic implants in the body are not accepted.

    • NA
    • NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency Scan)
    • NT Scan (Nuchal Translucency Scan)

      NT (Nuchal Translucency) Scan is an ultrasonographic screening scan to assess your developing baby's risk of having Down syndrome (DS) and some other chromosomal abnormalities, as well as cardiovascular abnormalities.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • OPG (Orthopantomogram)
    • OPG (Orthopantomogram)

      Orthopantomogram (OPG) is a panoramic scanning dental X-ray of the upper and lower jaw. It shows a 3D view of a half-circle from ear to ear.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Retrograde Urethrogram (RGU)
    • Retrograde Urethrogram (RGU)

      Retrograde Urethrogram (RGU) is a radiologic procedure that performs to image the integrity of the urethra. This test is performed to diagnose the urethral injury or urethral blocking.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Sinogram
    • Sinogram

      Sinogram is an X-ray procedure that performs to visualize any abnormal passage (sinus) in the body by injecting x-ray dye (contrast) into the sinus.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • Uroflowmetry
    • Uroflowmetry

      Uroflowmetry is performed to measure volumetric flow rate of urine during urination. This test is performed to identify the causes of certain urinary difficulties.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • USG Fetal Well Being
    • USG Fetal Well Being

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Follicle Study
    • USG Follicle Study

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Abscess Aspiration
    • USG Guided Abscess Aspiration

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Amniocentesis
    • USG Guided Amniocentesis

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Ascitic Aspiration
    • USG Guided Ascitic Aspiration

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Aspiration (diagnostic)
    • USG Guided Aspiration (diagnostic)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Aspiration (diagnostic)(portable)
    • USG Guided Aspiration (diagnostic)(portable)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Aspiration (therapeutic)(portable)
    • USG Guided Aspiration (therapeutic)(portable)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Aspiration(therapeutic)
    • USG Guided Aspiration(therapeutic)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided FNAC
    • USG Guided FNAC

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Liver Abscess Aspiration
    • USG Guided Liver Abscess Aspiration

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Liver Abscess Drainage
    • USG Guided Liver Abscess Drainage

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Percutaneous Biliary Drainage
    • USG Guided Percutaneous Biliary Drainage

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy
    • USG Guided Percutaneous Nephrostomy

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Pigtail Drainage
    • USG Guided Pigtail Drainage

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Guided Pleural Aspiration
    • USG Guided Pleural Aspiration

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Musculo Skeletal
    • USG Musculo Skeletal

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Nuchal Thickness & Nasal Bone
    • USG Nuchal Thickness & Nasal Bone

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Arm
    • USG of Arm

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Arms
    • USG of Both Arms

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Elbows
    • USG of Both Elbows

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Eyes
    • USG of Both Eyes

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Feet
    • USG of Both Feet

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Knees
    • USG of Both Knees

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Legs
    • USG of Both Legs

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Shoulders
    • USG of Both Shoulders

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Both Thighs
    • USG of Both Thighs

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Breast (both)
    • USG of Breast (both)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Breast (Single)
    • USG of Breast (Single)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Cervical Spine
    • USG of Cervical Spine

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Chest
    • USG of Chest

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Dorsal Spine
    • USG of Dorsal Spine

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Elbow
    • USG of Elbow

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Extremities
    • USG of Extremities

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Eye
    • USG of Eye

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Foot
    • USG of Foot

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Hips
    • USG of Hips

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Knee
    • USG of Knee

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Kub
    • USG of Kub

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Kub & Prostate
    • USG of Kub & Prostate

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Leg
    • USG of Leg

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Lower Abdomen
    • USG of Lower Abdomen

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Lumber Spine
    • USG of Lumber Spine

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Neck
    • USG of Neck

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Neonatal Brain
    • USG of Neonatal Brain

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Orbits
    • USG of Orbits

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Pelvis
    • USG of Pelvis

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Shoulder
    • USG of Shoulder

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Testis/Scrotum
    • USG of Testis/Scrotum

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Thigh
    • USG of Thigh

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Thyroid
    • USG of Thyroid

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Transrectal
    • USG of Transrectal

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Transvaginal (TVS)
    • USG of Transvaginal (TVS)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Upper Abdomen
    • USG of Upper Abdomen

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Whole Abdomen (Female)
    • USG of Whole Abdomen (Female)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG of Whole Abdomen (Male)
    • USG of Whole Abdomen (Male)

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Parotid
    • USG Parotid

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Postvoid Residual Urine Volume
    • USG Postvoid Residual Urine Volume

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Pregnancy/Obstetrics
    • USG Pregnancy/Obstetrics

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Small Parts
    • USG Small Parts

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Soft Tissue-Thorax
    • USG Soft Tissue-Thorax

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Sub Mandibular
    • USG Sub Mandibular

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • USG Twin Pregnancy
    • USG Twin Pregnancy

      USG, also known as ultrasonography or ultrasound scan, is a non-invasive procedure that uses high frequency sound waves to generate live images from the inside of some part of the body (abdomen, bladder, blood vessels, brain in infants, eyes, hips, kidneys, overies, spine, thyroid, testicles, uterus etc.). As USG uses no radiation, it’s the preferred method for viewing a developing fetus during pregnancy. This test is performed if you are having pain, swelling or other symptoms that require an


      Avoid wearing jewellery or metal objects while going for an ultrasound procedure. Patient may be instructed to fast or drink 2-3 glasses of water for a set of hours.

    • NA
    • Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)
    • Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG)

      Voiding Cystourethrogram (VCUG) is an X-ray that performs to visualize a person's urethra and urinary bladder while it is emptying. This test is performed to detect the abnormalities of urethra and urinary bladder.


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • X-Ray Extra Film
    • X-Ray Extra Film

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Abdomen (AP)
    • XRAY Abdomen (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Abdomen (LAT)
    • XRAY Abdomen (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Adenoids
    • XRAY Adenoids

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ankle (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Ankle (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ankle (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Ankle (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ankle (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Ankle (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ankle (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Ankle (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ankle with Foot (one side)
    • XRAY Ankle with Foot (one side)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Arm (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Arm (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Arm (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Arm (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Both Clavicles (AP)
    • XRAY Both Clavicles (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (AP)
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (AXIAL)
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (AXIAL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (LAT)
    • XRAY Both Heels/Calcanium (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Both Knee (AP) Standing
    • XRAY Both Knee (AP) Standing

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (AP)
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (LAT)
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Cervical Spine (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervical Spine Flexion/Extension
    • XRAY Cervical Spine Flexion/Extension

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervico Dorsal Spine(AP)
    • XRAY Cervico Dorsal Spine(AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Cervico Dorsal Spine(LAT)
    • XRAY Cervico Dorsal Spine(LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (AP)
    • XRAY Chest (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (Apical)
    • XRAY Chest (Apical)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (Decubitus)
    • XRAY Chest (Decubitus)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (L LAT)
    • XRAY Chest (L LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (OBL)
    • XRAY Chest (OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (PA)
    • XRAY Chest (PA)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Chest (R LAT)
    • XRAY Chest (R LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Clavicle (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Clavicle (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Clavicle (OBL)
    • XRAY Clavicle (OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Coccyx (AP & LAT)
    • XRAY Coccyx (AP & LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Coccyx (AP)
    • XRAY Coccyx (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Coccyx (LAT)
    • XRAY Coccyx (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dental
    • XRAY Dental

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dental Panoramic
    • XRAY Dental Panoramic

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (AP)
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (LAT)
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine Flexion/Extension
    • XRAY Dorsal/Thoracic Spine Flexion/Extension

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorso Lumbar (AP)
    • XRAY Dorso Lumbar (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Dorso Lumbar (LAT)
    • XRAY Dorso Lumbar (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Elbow (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Elbow (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Elbow (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Elbow (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Elbow (AP/LAT/OBL)
    • XRAY Elbow (AP/LAT/OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Femur (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Femur (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Femur (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Femur (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Femur (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Femur (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Femur (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Femur (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Finger (AP)
    • XRAY Finger (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Finger (LAT)
    • XRAY Finger (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Foot (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Foot (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Foot (AP & OBL) Both
    • XRAY Foot (AP & OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Foot (AP & OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Foot (AP & OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Foot (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Foot (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Forearm (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Forearm (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Forearm (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Forearm (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hand (AP & OBL) Both
    • XRAY Hand (AP & OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hand (AP & OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Hand (AP & OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hand (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Hand (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hand (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Hand (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hand (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Hand (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL) R/L
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (AXIAL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Heel/Calcanium (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hip (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Hip (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hip (AP) Both
    • XRAY Hip (AP) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hip (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Hip (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hip (LAT) Both
    • XRAY Hip (LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Hip (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Hip (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) Both Standing
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) Both Standing

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Knee (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (AP & OBL) Standing R/L
    • XRAY Knee (AP & OBL) Standing R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Knee (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Knee (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Knee (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Kub
    • XRAY Kub

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Leg (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Leg (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Leg (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Leg (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Leg (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Leg (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (AP)
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (LAT)
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine Flexion/Extension
    • XRAY Lumbar Spine Flexion/Extension

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (AP)
    • XRAY Mandible (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (L LAT)
    • XRAY Mandible (L LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (L OBL)
    • XRAY Mandible (L OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (OBL) Both
    • XRAY Mandible (OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (R LAT)
    • XRAY Mandible (R LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mandible (R OBL)
    • XRAY Mandible (R OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mastoids (LAT)
    • XRAY Mastoids (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Mastoids (OBL) Both
    • XRAY Mastoids (OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Nasal Bone (LAT)
    • XRAY Nasal Bone (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Neck (AP & LAT)
    • XRAY Neck (AP & LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Neck (AP)
    • XRAY Neck (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Neck (PA)
    • XRAY Neck (PA)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Orbit (OBL) Both
    • XRAY Orbit (OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Orbit (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Orbit (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Orbit (OM)
    • XRAY Orbit (OM)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Parotids Gland Occlusal
    • XRAY Parotids Gland Occlusal

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Pelvis (AP/PA)
    • XRAY Pelvis (AP/PA)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Pelvis (FROG)
    • XRAY Pelvis (FROG)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Pelvis (LAT)
    • XRAY Pelvis (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY PNS (AP)
    • XRAY PNS (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY PNS (LAT)
    • XRAY PNS (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY PNS (OM)
    • XRAY PNS (OM)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ribs (AP)
    • XRAY Ribs (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Ribs (OBL)
    • XRAY Ribs (OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Sacroiliac Joint (OBL) Both
    • XRAY Sacroiliac Joint (OBL) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Sacroiliac Joint (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Sacroiliac Joint (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Scapula (AP)
    • XRAY Scapula (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Scapula (LAT)
    • XRAY Scapula (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP) Both
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Shoulder (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (axial) Both
    • XRAY Shoulder (axial) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (axial) R/L
    • XRAY Shoulder (axial) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (external rotation)
    • XRAY Shoulder (external rotation)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (internal rotation)
    • XRAY Shoulder (internal rotation)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (LAT) Both
    • XRAY Shoulder (LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Shoulder (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Shoulder (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY SI Joint (AP/PA)
    • XRAY SI Joint (AP/PA)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY SI Joint (LAT)
    • XRAY SI Joint (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skull (AP)
    • XRAY Skull (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skull (Base View)
    • XRAY Skull (Base View)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skull (L LAT)
    • XRAY Skull (L LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skull (R LAT)
    • XRAY Skull (R LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skull (TOWNE)
    • XRAY Skull (TOWNE)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Skyline (Patella)
    • XRAY Skyline (Patella)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Sternum (AP)
    • XRAY Sternum (AP)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Sternum (LAT)
    • XRAY Sternum (LAT)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Sternum (OBL) R/L
    • XRAY Sternum (OBL) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Thigh (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Thigh (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Thigh (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Thigh (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Thigh (AP) R/L
    • XRAY Thigh (AP) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Thigh (LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Thigh (LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Thumb (OBL)
    • XRAY Thumb (OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY TM Joint (OBL)
    • XRAY TM Joint (OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY TM Joint Closed Mouth (L)
    • XRAY TM Joint Closed Mouth (L)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY TM Joint Closed Mouth (R)
    • XRAY TM Joint Closed Mouth (R)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY TM Joint Open Mouth (L)
    • XRAY TM Joint Open Mouth (L)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY TM Joint Open Mouth (R)
    • XRAY TM Joint Open Mouth (R)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Wrist (AP & LAT) Both
    • XRAY Wrist (AP & LAT) Both

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Wrist (AP & LAT) R/L
    • XRAY Wrist (AP & LAT) R/L

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA
    • XRAY Wrist (AP/Lat/OBL)
    • XRAY Wrist (AP/Lat/OBL)

      X-ray or X-radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation. An X-ray machine is a device that transmits X-rays through the body and helps create and document images on a film or computer. When X-rays passes through the body, dense objects such as bone block the radiation and appear white on the x-ray film, while less dense tissues appear gray. X-rays are typically used to diagnose and assess bone degeneration or disease, fractures and dislocations, infections, dental problems, tumors and abnorm


      No Special Preparation Required

    • NA

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